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Why is the preventive maintenance of CNC vertical lathe the most important?

With the development of manufacturing technology, the cutting process of CNC vertical lathe, as the main basic process of manufacturing technology, has been greatly improved, and has entered a new stage characterized by the development of high-speed cutting, the development of new cutting processes and processing methods, and the provision of complete sets of technology. From the current development trend of manufacturing industry, we can see that the development of manufacturing industry and the improvement of human society pose dual challenges to cutting, which is also the main trend of the development of cutting technology. It is an important part of the manufacturing industry, such as the automobile industry, aerospace industry, energy industry, military industry and the emerging mold industry, electronics industry and other parts of the main processing technology, but also an important factor in the rapid development of these industries.

Obviously, although the near-net forming technology and the accumulation forming technology are promising new technologies, the status of CNC vertical turning as the main basic technology of manufacturing technology will not change.

The open-loop control of CNC vertical lathe is the control mode without position feedback device.

The closed-loop control is a direct linear or rotary detection device at the corresponding position of the ultimate moving part of the machine tool. The directly measured displacement or angular displacement value is fed back to the comparator of the numerical control device and compared with the input command displacement. The difference value is used to control the moving part, so that the moving part moves strictly according to the actual required displacement.

For each CNC vertical lathe, its preventive maintenance is very important, because it can effectively extend the service life of the CNC vertical lathe. CNC maintenance personnel, operators and management personnel shall jointly carry out preventive maintenance of CNC vertical lathe.


The maintenance requirements of each CNC vertical lathe are specified in the manual of the vertical lathe. Doing these jobs well will greatly reduce the failure rate of machine tools.

Any CNC vertical lathe may be damaged after working for a long time. However, to extend the service life of components and the wear cycle of mechanical parts and components, to prevent failure, especially the occurrence of malignant accidents, so as to extend the service life of CNC vertical lathe, is the purpose of maintenance of CNC vertical lathe. This requires the user of the machine tool to read the manual of the vertical lathe carefully and understand the maintenance requirements of the mechanical structure, control system and accessories.

Do a good job of preventive maintenance is an important part of the use of CNC vertical lathe, CNC maintenance staff, operating staff and management staff should work together to do this work. To do a good job in the maintenance of CNC vertical lathe, the key is to have a feasible maintenance system. The superior needs to face it squarely. The competent equipment unit should check the implementation of the system on schedule to ensure that the machine tool is always in good operation condition and avoid and reduce the occurrence of malignant accidents.

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