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An important link in the chain of machine tool industry

From November 30 to December 2, 2018, the Fourth Council (Enlarged) Meeting of the Sixth Session of China Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Transformation Technology Association and the "Machine Tool Remanufacturing and Intelligent Informatization Summit Forum" were held in Chongqing. Wang Shengli, deputy director of the Law Enforcement and Inspection Bureau of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, Ma Chunsheng, former head of the discipline inspection team of Shanxi Discipline Commission in Shanxi Administration for Industry and Commerce, Wu Yimiao, executive vice president and Secretary-General of China Machinery Maintenance Association, Zeng Lingwan, deputy general manager and chief engineer of Chongqing Machine Tool (Group) Co., Ltd. Chen Wenbo, the chairman on duty in 2019 and deputy general manager of Wuhan Heavy Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and made speeches. More than 100 representatives of member enterprises of China Machine Maintenance Association attended the meeting, and reporters from Machine Tool Magazine were invited to attend the meeting and report on the spot.

With the advancement of service-oriented manufacturing industry, the transformation and upgrading of machine tool industry to service-oriented industry has also accelerated. In the service chain of machine tool industry, many enterprises are clustered in the design, production and manufacturing links, but the importance of post-service links is far from enough, especially in the field of remanufacturing, the situation of high voice and low attention has not changed significantly.

Established in 1992, China Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Renovation Technology Association (hereinafter referred to as "China Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Renovation Association") has gathered a large number of domestic mechanical and electrical equipment maintenance and renovation enterprises for a long time, and has achieved remarkable results in promoting the transformation and upgrading of the maintenance and renovation industry to remanufacturing in recent years. The conference continued the pragmatic work style of the Association and had a compact agenda. It not only completed the work of the annual meeting of the Association, but also invited many enterprise representatives to conduct in-depth discussions around the summary of machine tool remanufacturing and intelligent informatization.

In 2018, in response to the situation, China Machinery Maintenance Association began to prepare for the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Technology Branch and the Automation and Robotics Branch, and voted to formally establish them at this meeting. At the same time, the remanufacturing technology center of photovoltaic equipment was awarded the license at the meeting. As one of the key tasks of China Machine Maintenance Association, the Expert Committee also added a large number of experts in 2018, which laid a solid technical foundation for the development of machine tool remanufacturing industry.

Machine tool, as the machine tool of manufacturing industry, includes the industrial chain of design, research and development, manufacturing, trade, maintenance and service, which is complete and indispensable. Remanufacturing, as a key link in the post-service of machine tool industry chain, conforms to the trend of green manufacturing and will improve efficiency by means of intelligent means.

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